✅ Divorce for IDPs from Donetsk and Lugansk

Divorce for IDPs from Donetsk and Lugansk

Divorce for IDPs from Donetsk and Lugansk in Ukraine

Our family lawyers are often asked the following questions: How to divorce an immigrant? How to divorce Donetsk registration? How to get a divorce if a person is in the LPR?

On our website advokat-skriabin.com you can familiarize yourself with the topic: “Divorce for IDPs from Donetsk and Lugansk” and, if you have any questions, seek legal advice from our family lawyers and lawyers who will provide you with legal services in family matters.

Due to the current situation in Ukraine, many citizens were forced to leave their homes and move to another city. This applies to those people who lived on the territory of the DPR, LPR and Crimea. Unfortunately, the government was unable to influence the situation, and the number of displaced persons increased every day.

As a result, this led to the fact that the previously “transparent” concepts became blurred and many of the settlers faced additional questions, given their new position. The sphere of law, in particular family issues, was not an exception. The question “How to file for divorce for immigrants?” Has become topical.

Now the procedure for divorce through the court and the registry office has become not so obvious for people who were forced to leave their hometown for a long time. However, Ukrainian legislation provides for ways to resolve issues of divorce for migrants.

Divorce procedure for IDPs in Ukraine

Divorce for migrants is similar in its order to the classic divorce in Ukraine. There are only two options for registration of divorce:

  • divorce of immigrants through the courts;
  • divorce of immigrants through the registry office.

Divorce through the registry office occurs subject to the mandatory observance of two conditions:

  • the IDP family has no joint children who have not yet reached the age of 18;
  • both the spouse and the spouse wish to file for a divorce (divorce by mutual consent).

Divorce in court occurs when these conditions are not met, or at least one of them.

Submit an application for the divorce of immigrants in Ukraine

The application for divorce is the basis for the dissolution of the marriage of the immigrants. It can be of three types:

  • joint application for the divorce of immigrants through the registry office;
  • a joint application for the divorce of immigrants through the courts;
  • a statement of claim for the divorce of immigrants in court.

Thus, you can file a divorce in court by filing either a claim or a joint statement. A joint application for divorce differs from a claim in that it indicates a mutual desire of the spouses to file for a divorce. This application is considered faster, but it has its drawbacks.

So, if in the process of considering a case on the divorce of migrants, one of the spouses changes his mind to file a divorce, then the other of the spouses will be forced to submit a new application, but already a claim. In this case, not only a large amount of time will be uselessly used, but also the finances spent on paying the court fee. After all, in order to issue a new application. After all, it will be necessary to pay the court fee again.

Features of the divorce of immigrants from Donetsk and Lugansk in Ukraine

The main feature of the divorce of migrants is that, taking into account the forced relocation, they have the legal right to carry out state registration of acts of civil status, as well as to make changes to the records at the place of their location.

In this regard, before applying for a divorce, migrants from the LPR, DPR and Crimea must obtain a certificate of registration of an internally displaced person. This certificate will be the basis for being able to file a divorce at the place of residence.

Divorce papers for IDPs in Ukraine

Divorce documents in the case of immigrants are similar to those required for a classic divorce. The list of documents primarily depends on what procedure is provided for a specific case of divorce:

  • administrative (divorce through the registry office);
  • judicial.

The only nuance that is important for IDPs to take into account in order to properly draw up documents for divorce is the mandatory presence of a certificate stating that the person is registered as internally displaced. A copy of this document will need to be filed with your divorce application.

Lawyer services for the divorce of immigrants from Donetsk and Lugansk in Ukraine

Divorce of immigrants has many subtleties, not all of which can be known by a person who has not previously faced this issue. That is why we recommend that you contact a family lawyer in Zaporozhye to clarify all controversial issues and receive recommendations regarding the divorce procedure specifically in your case.

Consulting an experienced divorce lawyer will help you save time, and the timely service of a divorce lawyer will not force you to spend unnecessary finances

Family lawyer in divorce cases for IDPs from Donetsk and Lugansk in Ukraine

To effectively resolve the divorce case for displaced persons from Donetsk and Lugansk, you should contact professional family lawyers.

Divorce lawyer:

  • provide legal advice on family matters;
  • will help to determine the best option for solving a family case;
  • prepare all the necessary documents;
  • will provide legal support for the entire trial.

Our family lawyers will do everything necessary for a quick and high-quality completion of a legal case!

Contacting us is a way to save time and money in resolving the issue of divorce for IDPs from Donetsk and Lugansk.

If you do not know how to do the right thing to decide the case in your favor – write or call our family lawyers!

The first step towards success in resolving the divorce case for displaced persons from Donetsk and Lugansk is contacting good family lawyers!

If the article “Divorce for IDPs from Donetsk and Lugansk” was useful for you, please like it. We will provide you with the most relevant and useful information in the field of family law, as well as on new changes in the legislation of Ukraine regarding divorce for displaced persons from Donetsk and Lugansk.

Frequently Asked Questions to a Family Lawyer in Ukraine

Is the procedure for the divorce of immigrants different from the traditional one?
Do I have to pay the court fee again when filing a new application for divorce if one of the spouses changes his mind?
Does the list of documents that spouses submit to register a divorce differ?
In what cases can a marriage be dissolved without a trial?
Do I need the personal presence of the Client in court?
What documents are needed to initiate family litigation?
Is it possible to dissolve a marriage with a foreigner, or if one of the spouses lives abroad?
What is your experience with family affairs?
What is the cost of legal services in your company?
What is the cost of consulting a family lawyer?
Is it possible to pay for your services based on the result of resolving the issue?
Where is your office located and how do you work?

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Useful site materials advokat-skriabin.com:

  1. Divorce from a pregnant wife
  2. Divorce in another city
  3. Divorce in Ukraine with Crimean registration
  4. Divorce online through the court and the registry office
  5. Divorce by mutual consent
  6. Turnkey divorce without the presence of a spouse
  7. Divorce from children through court
  8. File a divorce from an imprisoned husband
  9. File for divorce from a foreigner


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how to get a divorce if the husband is in the LPR

Checked by Victoria on 23.06.21


divorce 44 5.33
migrant 32 3.88
divorce settlers 26 3.15 / 6.30
family 15 1.82
lawyer 12 1.45
divorce of displaced persons of donetsk luhansk 12 1.45 / 5.82
statement 11 1.33
donetsk 10 1.21
Donetsk Luhansk 10 1.21 / 2.42
luhansk 10 1.21
IDPs of Donetsk 10 1.21 / 2.42
IDPs of Donetsk Luhansk 10 1.21 / 3.64
divorce of displaced persons of Donetsk 10 1.21 / 3.64
question 9 1.09
issue 9 1.09
family lawyers 8 0.97 / 1.94
statement divorce 7 0.85 / 1.70
order 7 0.85
judicial 7 0.85
document 6 0.73
Divorce statement of immigrants 6 0.73 / 2.18
file a divorce 6 0.73 / 1.45
solution 5 0.61
case 5 0.61
joint 5 0.61
divorce lawyer 4 0.48 / 0.97
all 4 0.48
claim 4 0.48
may 4 0.48
new 4 0.48
joint statement 4 0.48 / 0.97
spouse 4 0.48

Checked by Victoria on 05/17/21

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